Nasco SAM II the Student Auscultation Manikin Light Skin [SKU: NZ10071]
Nasco SAM II the Student Auscultation Manikin Light Skin [SKU: NZ10071] Portable and easy-to-use manikin for teaching and learning heart, breath, and bowel sounds. Although used in many simulation centers, the manikin is also easily moved into a classroom or auditorium for group instruction. The computer software interface is easily projected into any smart classroom. The software includes phonocardiograms, correct anatomical locations, and written lessons for each sound.
Features include:
Carotid pulse
Customized volume adjustments
Large library of sounds includes 35 heart, 21 breath, 16 bowel, and four carotid bruit sounds, all heard at the correct anatomical location (both anterior and posterior), along with 16 heart/breath combination sounds
Pediatric sounds – includes ASD, PDA, VSD, pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary stenosis, and Tetralogy of Fallot
Portability – lightweight manikin weighs only 23 lbs.
Preprogram your own password-protected lectures and scenarios
Smart classroom/auditorium ready
Students use their own stethoscope
Variable breath sounds
Variable heart and respiration rates
Includes male manikin, Dell laptop computer with SAM II software installed, 196-page lesson guide, and operator’s manual. Allow extra delivery time. But at any moment, they are catapulted into action. Making split-second decisions with lives hanging in the balance. The situations are unpredictable – but they are steady. Our products prepare them to be at their best, the moment they are called upon.
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