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Our customers include universities, schools, ministries of health and education, other health and educational authorities, hospitals, practitioners, educational and medical distributors
Tubing is compatible with the Colleague series volumetric infusion pumps and Flo-Gard 6201 and 6301 series volumetric infusion pumps. Overall length is 105”.
Contains Diethyl hexyl Phthalate, a chemical commonly used in PVC tubing used to yield clarity and soft pliable tubing. The solution set comes in a case of 48.
Our people make an impact every day through our collective effort to help improve health care training and patient outcomes around the world. Our ability to be innovative is the result of the dynamic, diverse, creative, and curious people who come together to perform work they are passionate about each day.
Our people make an impact every day through our collective effort to help improve health care training and patient outcomes around the world. Our ability to be innovative is the result of the dynamic, diverse, creative, and curious people who come together to perform work they are passionate about each day.
A myocardial infarction model demonstrates a partially healed heart and five discolored infarct areas, including a thrombus in the apex of the heart.
Our deep breadth of upgradeable products – from low to high fidelity – means you can find the right training solution for your current and future needs.
Our deep breadth of upgradeable products – from low to high fidelity – means you can find the right training solution for your current and future needs.
Three catheter routes are prepared: oral, pharynx, and tracheostomy opening. A sputum-like substance can be collected by proper suction.
They are selfless, humble and often driven as if this was their higher calling. They don’t think of themselves as heroes, but that’s exactly what they are. Long stretches of mundane tasks may fill the day.
For instructional use only. Not for human or animal use. Includes one each of the following: Epinephrn, 10 ml Lidocain, 5 ml Atropin,10 ml Sodium Bicarb, 50 ml Calcm Chlr, 10 mland Dextros, 50 ml.
Ear examination trainer (SB52823U”>SB52823U) has a soft, flexible, and realistic pinna and ear canal, as well as 48 ear conditions. Use sleep mode to conserve power.
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