Wallcur Practi-Tuberculin PPD (for training)
Wallcur Practi-Tuberculin PPD (for training) provide an excellent practice for students to learn intradermal injection skills. Each vial contains 1 mL of distilled water and simulates 5 TU/0.1 mL of the actual PPD vial size, dosage, and contents. Manikin safe!
Practi-Tuberculin PPD Teaches:
- Reading and interpreting dosage requirements
- Calculating fractional intradermal PPD dosages
- Small vial pressure changes
- Small needle and tuberculin syringe techniques
- Administration of intradermal injections
Wallcur Practi-Tuberculin PPD Teaching CD Module™ for the educator! The CD module includes implications of TB exposure, step-step guides for administering intradermal PPD injections, case studies, and questions with answers for testing this important skill.
Qty: 40 vials
For over 50 years has been a leading innovator and provider for educational training and simulation in nursing, medical assistance, pharmacy, EMT, the medical corps, and other allied health programs throughout the world. Practi-products include practice meds for unit dosages, reconstitution for IV’s, ampule and vial handling, injection techniques, and much more. State-of-the art instructional tutorials will help reduce instructor preparation time and provide a consistency for learning and debriefing. Our mission is to provide ideas and products that both stimulate and simulate clinical learning in a safe non-clinical environment. We remain committed to helping graduate the most competent, confident, and ready practitioner for today’s healthcare system.
For more Wallcur Simulators click here.